Meet Our Founders

Paula and John Reed

Paula Linda Ierna Reed, a visionary and the founder of COOA, has a degree in Addictions Counseling as well as an art degree from Connecticut College. For twenty years Linda has been traveling, vision questing, and studying medicines and healing techniques with elder medicine people of both North and South America. Trained in the Condor/Eagle tradition, Linda leads medicine ceremonies, sweat lodges, pipe ceremonies and women’s circles, and offers private counseling.

Linda has been connected with and guided by Creator all her life. In her early years she had visions of this time in the world and was told that she would be a part of those who would help the people by reminding them that they were children of the Divine Light. This necessitates a radical shift in thinking and relating to life and living. While it has never been easy, witnessing people’s healing and tranformation has been her motivation to continue this work, and nothing could be more satisfying.

John H. Reed, co-founder of COOA, is a licensed therapist, consultant, and educator with more than thirty-five years’ experience in the mental health and addictions field. He is a Professor Emeritus and a former program director, retired from the Connecticut Community College System. 

From the age of eight, John traveled with his family to the Rocky Mountain West, meeting Blackfoot and Flathead people in Montana and the Shoshone/Bannock in Idaho. Through these relationships, he began to understand the histories and the world viewpoints of the First Nations people. He has immersed himself in North and South American indigenous culture and spiritual practices, has traveled to Columbia and Peru for vision quests and ceremonial training in medicine ways, and has been trained in the Condor/Eagle tradition.

John leads pipe ceremonies and sweat lodges and is an experienced fire keeper and ceremony guardian. He also offers private sessions for those who want to learn practices that will help them achieve their goals and lifestyle changes.

Our Board of Directors

John Reed
Paula Reed
Sheldon Gibson

Donald Curttis
MaryAnn Eddowes

“I have the extreme honor of knowing Linda and John Reed for many years. They are both warm and loving people who enjoy sharing their knowledge of the indigenous peoples of the Americas to all that are drawn to learn. From ceremonies to sweat lodges to other special programs, they teach with love, honor and gratitude. There are many teachers now that offer similar teachings, but I believe that the honor and integrity of Linda and John Reed would be hard to beat.   

The land on which the ceremonies are offered is beautiful, spiritual and sacred. You can feel it the moment you step foot on it. This is due to the love and respect that it is given by John and Linda and all the wonderful people that bring their prayers and gratitude to the land. The Church Of Our Ancestors is a magical and beautiful place that makes you feel comfortable, loved and at home. Thank you, John and Linda. In love, honor, respect, and gratitude.”

— Cindy N.